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Every community in our amazing country has a story to tell.
The young Canuckstorian project is a great opportunity to tell that story, with the help of local children!
The program encourages our young people to learn and love history, and inspires research, preserving and revitalizing cultural heritage.
Engaging cultural history and heritage should be exciting!
The Young Canuckstorian Project team form a partnership with local Historical Societies to write and illustrate an exciting new graphic novel outlining the history of their communities!
7 budding young authors and artists from the community will be selected to form the NEW Group of 7 to assist author/illustrator Mickey Maple write and illustrate the book.
The Canuckstorian team with the Historical Society will assist the young authors in researching and writing the important fact pages for this Canuckstorian best seller!
The book will then become the property of the Historical Society
and can be used as a tool to engage children in local history.
And last but not least;
learning about local history is fun!
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